Art and environment: two separate domains which are innately intwined. Art can be a powerful tool, and often makes it’s viewer think and reflect, but is it possible to change the way the world behaves around environmental issues? AEA thinks so!
What is AEA ?
Created in 2007 by artist Philippe Pastor, AEA Monaco is an association which uses art as catalyst for individuals, companies, communities and leaders to focus on the challenges the environment is facing. The association organizes artistic exhibits and events to promote public awareness and open up a public conversation on these important issues.
What are the goals of this environment association in Monaco ?
Through these events and exhibits the association’s primary goal is to connect with individuals in order to evoke a change of attitude towards the environment. Highlighting key issues in the world such as deforestation and climate change.
Through a shared admiration for art and the wonderful planet we inhabit, the AEA educates and promotes a responsible environmental stewardship. Open and inclusive, the AEA’s mission is to spread their message far and wide with sculptures, images and photographs that can touch us on a emotional and human level.