Art has long been recognized as a powerful means of self-expression and inner exploration. In a world where the pace of life continues to accelerate, the need for self-reflection has become more crucial than ever. The constant demands of daily life often leave...
Develop your paint skills
Design is a term that can correspond to many things. Indeed, you can design an object, a place and even a person! However, this requires skills and knowledge. I have always liked to change the design of my home from time to time.
It makes my creativity, my imagination and my artistic side work. Interior design is thus within everyone’s reach! The tips and tricks on this section of the blog aim to improve your design skills so that you can sublimate anything!
Why is Nature important in contemporary art ?
Nature is important to all of us, but artists can play a role in showing us how to save it. The importance of nature in contemporary art We are at a time when the natural world is under threat. Artists have always been inspired by nature and its landscapes. Centuries...
Vintage objects in contemporary art
Vintage objects can be recycled and add interest to contemporary art. Why are vintage objects used in contemporary art ? There is a long tradition in adding found objects to art. We find it in collage and photo montage. In contemporary art sculptors and painters have...
All you need to know about art galleries
Art galleries are not just for rich patrons. A gallery is there to be visited by students, artists and everyone for whom art matters. What is an art gallery? An art gallery is somewhere where art is displayed for the public. Its art is not only there to be bought or...
Discover Marcelline Lapouffe
Marcelline LaPouffe; a genuine pseudonym for this young artist is one she uses to characterize herself. With it, she is free to express her inner eccentric universe monaco-style. It is with this name she expresses her take on themes that interest her. Who is...
AI or Artist: Who created this art?
Artists, automation, and arts are words that rarely come together, but this isn’t the case today. Within contemporary art, finding these words in the same place is no longer a challenge. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence (« AI ») tools, we now create artistic work in...
Nature in art : the case of contemporary art
Nature in Contemporary Art Exploring nature in art takes many forms, and artwork that is based on nature serves many different purposes. Because ‘nature’ encompasses such a wide range of topics and subtopics, there is a diverse offering of inspiring phenomena all...
AEA Monaco: an art and environment association
Art and environment: two separate domains which are innately intwined. Art can be a powerful tool, and often makes it's viewer think and reflect, but is it possible to change the way the world behaves around environmental issues? AEA thinks so! What is AEA ? Created...
I’ve done some reading so you don’t have to: Suggestions for decorating your interiors with artwork
Are you living in a new place, in which you'd like to create a world which reflects you and in which you can feel comfortable? That was the situation I was in, and so I eagerly read a book on interior design, which taught me many things. Here is a summary of it......
What is a Hipanema bracelet ?
Hipane-what ? After more than two years, you’ve probably heard this word at least once. If not, you are surely wondering why some fashionistas have tooons of bracelets on their wrists and although you still don’t understand, you think it’s rather pretty and nice....
How art can raise awareness for environmental damage?
A responsible and artistic association in Monaco The “Art & Environnement association” ( is an association created by the painter Philippe Pastor. His work as an artist is focused on the environment and Pastor has always been very...
Tattoo artist: a real artistic profession
This weekend, I decided to take the plunge! I got a tattoo! Since the time I started talking about it… But certain things prevented me from doing it, like the pain! But ultimately it wasn’t so painful. I wanted to share this little piece of my life with you, dear...
Meet the painter Philippe Pastor
Today, I decided to talk to you about a painter that I discovered : Philippe Pastor... read this ! Who is Philippe Pastor? Philippe Pastor was born in Monaco in 1961. This autodidactic artist has followed an atypical path and has already exhibited in different...